Florida Real Estate License Exam Prep (FL-RELEP) is a 265-page modern learning tool designed to prepare real estate candidates to pass Florida’s licensing exam. FL-RELEP has comprehensive yet concise content and questions covering national principles, math, and Florida law.
Florida-Specific Sections:
- #1: The Real Estate Business
- #2: Real Estate License Law and Qualifications for Licensure
- #3: Real Estate License Law and Commission Rules
- #4: Authorized Relationships, Duties, and Disclosure
- #5: Real Estate Brokerage Activities and Procedures
- #6: Violations of License Law, Penalties, and Procedures
- #7: Federal and State Laws Pertaining to Real Estate
- #8: Property Rights: Estates & Tenancies; Condos, Coops, CDDs, HOAs, and Time-Sharing
- #9: Title, Deeds and Ownership Restrictions
- #10: Legal Descriptions
- #11: Real Estate Contracts
- #12: Residential Mortgages
- #13: Types of Mortgages and Sources of Financing
- #14: Real Estate Related Computations; Closing Transactions
- #15: The Real Estate Market and Analysis
- #16: Real Estate Appraisal
- #17: Real Estate Investments and Business Opportunity Brokerage
- #18: Taxes Affecting Real Estate
- #19: Planning, Zoning and Environmental Hazards